Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yes, I am one of *those* people that reads Twilight.

I really need to give the series props because as much as I *didn't* want to read the books because of all the hype, I gave in and read them (well still reading).

I have always loved reading, I was always the bookworm in the corner reading. In one summer while I was a teenager I read an astounding number of books (my mom turned off the TV service for the whole summer!). However in my adult life, I have always loved reading but been busy with school, kids, housework, or all of the above.

This series has really made me LOVE reading again and I find myself sitting down at nap time for the kids and reading rather than watching TV or doing something else (usually something productive needs to be done).

I am on the last book right now, Breaking Dawn. I have heard its curveball after curveball and I am anxious to see how it goes.

I love you Twilight. Thank you for bringing me back completely into the book world.

1 comment:

Sandy Alexander said...

I appreciate you taking time away from Twilight to "play" with us today ;-)
Whatever will you do when you are done with the series? I will HELP you through the pain, my friend!